This is my lovely Mother and Father.
Yes I am a rare find, most people do not have both parents that stayed married as long as mine. But If my Father would have lived just 2 more weeks, they would have been married 39 Years. Let's see where to begin on the them, First let me say My father went to claim his mansion in Heaven on Friday February 27, 2009
He was a GREAT Father and I miss him more than words could ever describe. Not only was he my Father, but he stepped up as my daughter's Father when hers was too busy with drugs to know she was even around. He has been a strong and devoated daddy, Husband and Grandfather and has stood beside us for it all. My Mother, is still here with us and it is she who Kaitlyn and I reside with. She has been a stay at home mom and became a stay at home mom for my daughter when I could not. I may look like my father but most of my traits come from my mother or her side of the Family. She is a worrier and even though she does not believe it she is a very strong woman. My Parents have taught me to be independant and to follow my dreams. Without there support I would be no where, they have taught me so much and have stood by me on every wrong
decision I have made and was there to help me back up and to put the pieces back together. I know I don't say it enough, but I do love them and I am thankful for them and that they have done for me and what they took from themselves to give to me.